Upcoming Certified Wound Specialist Physician CWSP Exam Dates:
September 12-26, 2009
Materials Deadline: August 7th
Late Registration: August 8th-21st ($50.00 Additional)
(Note: Open to AAWM Physicians Only)
Upcoming CWS® Exam Dates:
October 10-24, 2009
Materials Deadline: August 21st
Late Registration: August 22nd-September 4th ($50.00 Additional)
April 10-24, 2010
Early Registration Deadline: February 26th
Late Registration:February 27th-March 12th ($50.00 Additional)
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Upcoming CWCA® Exam Dates:
February 13-27, 2010
Materials Deadline: December 18th
Late Registration: December 19th-January 8th ($50.00 Additional)
August 14-28, 2010
Materials Deadline: July 10th
Late Registration: July 11th-July 25th ($50.00 Additional)