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Board Certification

Why Certification | Certification Status | Examination Dates and Locations

Why Certification?

  • Recognizes those who have met the eligibility requirements for board certification.
  • Identifies a standard of knowledge essential for developing a comprehensive wound management program.
  • Advances cooperation and resource exchange among the various disciplines and organizations involved in the treatment of patients with chronic wounds.
  • Encourages continued professional growth and development of individuals and the field of wound management.
  • Establishes a code of ethics, responsibility and high professional standards by all certified individuals.
  • Advocacy Letters
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    Why you should choose certification

Certification Status

The AAWM shall grant Diplomate status to those individuals who successfully pass the National Board Certification Examination for Wound Management Professionals or Associates. Such Diplomates shall be referred to as "Certified Wound Specialists® of the AAWM"  or Certified Wound Care Associate™ of the AAWM" and shall be entitled to use the designation CWS® or CWCA™, respectively, after their name.

All candidates for the CWS exam are required to have a Bachelors degree or higher in a life sciences related field plus 3 years of clinical experience in wound care. Candidates doe the CWCA are requried to have 3 years of clinical experience. For more information the Candidate Handbooks are available for download.

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AAWM Board Certification by Examination

The CWS and CWCA exams are held twice each each. The CWS is given in April and OCtober. The CWCA is held in February and August. There are over 700 testing centers nationwide. Exact locations can be found at lasergrade.com. 

Multidisiciplinary questions cover: General Knowledge, Anatomy, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Physiology, Therapeutics and Psychosocial topics. See each candidate handbook for extensive outline. 

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