AAWM American Academy of Wound Management
Getting Certified
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Why you should become a CWS®

Are You A:
Physician? | podiatrist? | physical therapist? | nurse?

Podiatry and the CWS®


“The CWS® certification is an integral part of any podiatry practice. Having a CWS® elevates the level of your practice and tells your community the value and niche specialty you offer.”

Donald E. Mrdjenovich, DPM, CWS, FACCWS AAWM Past President

  • The practice of podiatry requires a strong knowledge of wound care, and the CWS® board certification establishes you as an expert in wound care management. The CWS® credential shows youêve completed a long-term, intensive study and practice in wound care.
  • Earned and maintained by nearly 550 podiatrists, the CWS® credential shows your patients, peers and employers your extensive and specialized proficiency in wound management.
  • By achieving the CWS® board certification, podiatrists become part of an interdisciplinary network of healthcare professionals, all dedicated to delivering, improving and advancing the practice of wound care.


“Wound care has become a larger and larger part of my podiatry practice.”

Steve E. Abraham, DPM, CWS, FACCWS



While most healthcare professionals have some knowledge of wound care, podiatrists regularly care for and manage lower extremity wounds and need extensive knowledge and skill in the practice.

  • Since wound management is an essential part of podiatric medicine, naturally podiatrists make up a large group of the CWS®diplomates.
  • The multidisciplinary approach to the CWS®certification creates a larger group of healthcare professionals made up of physicians, nurses, physical therapists and podiatrists, who have and share a wealth of wound management expertise.

What are the Benefits of Becoming a CWS®?

  • Achieve board certification, a formal recognition of a master level knowledge and specialty practice in wound management.
  • Demonstrate a specialized expertise in and a dedication to the highest standards in wound care, essential in the development of a comprehensive wound management program.
  • Improve the quality of wound care for your patients.
  • Cooperate and exchange resources with the various disciplines and organizations involved in wound care.
  • Reduce the costs of providing wound care in your facility or practice.
  • Be an on-site resource to train colleagues involved in wound management.
  • Market wound management services as a niche benefit of your facility or practice.
  • Become part of a larger multidisciplinary community dedicated to delivering, improving and advancing the practice of wound care.



Why should a practitioner involved in wound care become certified through AAWM?

Teresa A. Conner-Kerr
Professor & Chair
Winston Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC


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