The American Academy of Wound Management is a national multi-disciplinary certifying board for healthcare professionals involved in wound care.
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Over Two Hundred Wound Professionals Test in 2001;
Dates for 2002 Testing Sites Confirmed

Over 200 Healthcare professionals interested in attaining Board Certification through the American Academy of Wound Management (AAWM) applied to take the National Wound Care Certification Examination at testing centers throughout the country this past April & October.

Qualified candidates for certification in wound management are required to achieve a passing score on the examination in order to earn the designation Certified Wound Specialist® or CWS®. The examination covers multidisciplinary questions related to wound care that cover the areas of Anatomy, Diagnosis, Psychosocial, General Knowledge, Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Therapeutics. Over 66% of those who tested in 2001 have now achieved this distinguished designation and joined an elite group of over 1500 Certified Wound Specialists throughout the country.

Testing dates for 2002 have been confirmed and will be held April 20 & October 19, 2002 at over 16 testing centers nationwide. The examination is relevant to all healthcare professionals involved in wound care including nurses, physicians, physician assistants, physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, podiatrists, researchers and all healthcare professionals actively involved in wound management.

To receive an examination packet for the CWS® Exam, which includes the examination application, the AAWM Handbook for Candidates, a test center form, and other related application materials, please call AAWM at (202) 521-0368, fax (202) 833-3636, visit or email

Established in 1995, AAWM is dedicated to the multidisciplinary team approach in promoting the science of prevention, care and treatment of acute and chronic wounds. The primary function is to establish and monitor a national certification process, recognize competency, promote education/research, and elevate the standard of care across the continuum of wound management.

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American Academy of Wound Management
 1255 23rd ST NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20037

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