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AAWM Board of Directors

Members of the AAWM founding board include:

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Robin Tellez
Robin Tellez, MS/HSA, RN, BBA, CWS,

Wound Care Specialist, Integrated Health Services, Inc., Miami, FL
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  Vice President: Liza G. Ovington, Ph.D., CWS
President, Ovington & Associates, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Dr Kirsner and Dr Krasner Secretary-Treasurer: Diane Krasner, Ph.D., RN, CETN, CWS
Wound Care Consultant, Baltimore, MD

Board Member: Robert Kirsner, MD, CWS,
University of Miami School of Medicine Department of Dermatology, Miami, FL Click Here to  Download the Free Real Player

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John Prior
  Immediate Past President: 
John Prior, DPM, MS, CWS,

professor, Barry University School of Graduate Medical Sciences, Miami Shores, FL
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 Board Member: William Ennis, DO, FACOS, CWS,

Medical Director, Wound Care Center, Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, IL

Chet Evansr Board Member:
Chet Evans, DPM, FACFAS, CWS,

Associate Vice President and Dean Barry University School of Graduate Medical Sciences, Miami Shores, FL
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Luther Kloss
 Board Member:
Luther Kloth, MS, PT, CWS,

Professor, Marquette University, Physical Therapy Program, Milwaukee, WI
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Joe McCulloch
 Board Member:
Joe McCulloch, Ph.D, PT, CWS,

Professor/Director, Department of Physical Therapy, Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, LA
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Joe McCulloch
 Executive Director: 
Bob McKinlay, MPS,

serves as executive director and currently works as the grant writer and director program development at the Barry University School of Graduate Medical Sciences.
Watch an Interview in Real Video format. Click Here to  Download the Free Real Player

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Founding members and advisory board members participate in the Academy on
a volunteer basis. 

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