CWSs Volunteer Services for Certification Examination

More than one hundred Certified Wound Specialists have volunteered to help with the development of the nation's first multidisciplinary certification examination for wound care professionals.

A recent letter sent to all Certified Wound Specialists, by Dr. Liza Ovington, Chair of the AAWM Examination Committee, asked for their participation in preparation for the field test for Board Certification in Wound Management.

CWS volunteers were given three options: 1) to take the field test in Anaheim; 2) to take the field test on the internet; 3) to write examination questions. "The response has been tremendous," said Dr. Ovington, "many CWSs volunteered to participate in more than one area, for preparation of the field test."

The field test will be available on the internet later this Spring and, and in Anaheim, CA, April 25-26, during the Advanced Symposium on Wound Care. All CWSs who have volunteered to take the field test on the internet will be given a password in order to access the field test.

The field test in Anaheim was given at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel, April 25th, and 26th. More than 20 Cerrtified Wound Specialists took the field test.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the CWSs who volunteered their time to write examination questions and those who volunteered to take the field test," said Dr. Ovington "Their participation in these activities helps to assure the validity of the questions for this multidisciplinary Board Certification Examination."